Uxbride Horticultural Society
Uxbridge Horticultural Society Twitter Page


The present Society was formed in 1967 as a result of the Recreation Committee putting forward the idea as part of Canada's 100th Centenary celebrations.  In 1997, the Society (we) adopted the Foxglove as its floral emblem.  In 1998 it hosted the Ontario Horticultural Association, District 17, Annual Meeting and Show.  In 2001 District 17 hosted the Ontario Horticultural Association Convention.  In 2002 we celebrated our 35th anniversary by landscaping a children’s garden at the rear of the Public Library.  In 2003 a new banner was designed and quilted by Muriel Taylor.  In 2007 we celebrated our 40th anniversary and had our most successful promotion with the sale of 1200 cookbooks. We also started to develop a rock garden on the hill outside the library.  In 2008 the Rock Garden was completed and officially opened by Mayor Bob Shepherd.  In 2009 we started the rehabilitation of some of the gardens we maintain and created a new garden on the west side of the Senior Centre.  In 2010 we hosted the District 17 Annual General Meeting held at Mill Run Golf and Country Club on April 24th. The meeting was one of the best attended in the District.  2012 saw our members getting more involved by entering their photographs for our yearbook cover contest.  In 2013 we added signs to our gardens to show the public that we created and maintain them. Member involvement increased again by their voting for the yearbook cover flower for 2015.


Uxbridge Horticultrual Society - Banner made by Muriel Taylor 2003

Sewn with so much love ... for those who always sow with love.
Made by Muriel Taylor 2003 (In loving memory)

Uxbridge Horticultural Society -Foxglove

©Uxbridge Horticultural Society 2014
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